PvP Playfield Rules


  • Do not prevent a CV from moving by "tackling" it with an SV.
  • Turrets must not be fully enclosed
  • No Offline Protection is permitted in the Asteroid Field
  • No underground cores or turrets are permitted
  • Under NO circumstances is anyone to place a core inside an asteroid that cannot be drilled, shot or somehow accessed by other players / factions. This is unfair and will not be tolerated.
  • Under NO circumstances is anyone to place a base so close to the 'green wall' in a PvP zone that a player cannot see it, or have a chance to avoid it, or defend against it, when coming through the green wall.
  • Anyone within a PvP playfield (planet, moon or orbit) is fair game to come under attack at anytime (anytime includes if you are offline - so make sure you have offline protection). However once the battle is won, it is expected that the victor will assist the loser to get back to an area where they have a chance to rebuild. Anyone found to be playing unfair will be warned and subsequently banned after repeated violations.
  • Once a player has been killed you are not allowed to sit / camp so you can kill them as soon as they spawn. If they act in an aggressive manner, then you can kill them again. If they attempt to leave the area or surrender in chat, then you are to let them leave with what they are carrying. You are free to lay claim to whatever is left behind.
  • If the winning player turns off their defenses so that another player can spawn, recover their stuff, and leave; you and your faction players are not allowed to attack them again until either they have notified on the global chat that their defenses are powered back on, or 2 hours in real time have passed. Which ever comes first.
  • You are expected to play fair, and respectfully.